Current Students
VA Certification Request Process
In Summer 2024, the VMSC began using a new platform for the certification request process. This new platform is a comprehensive solution for managing VA Education Benefits. Its objective is to streamline the application process for staff and students. It will improve the student experience by giving guided access to submit applications at any time and interact with staff through a centralized communication hub.
If you're current student that needs the link to this new certification platform, please email for the link. If you're a new student to the university, please contact us at 479-575-8742 to schedule an appointment (in person, by phone, or virtual) to discuss the certification process in more detail.
The University of Arkansas requires all students to certify their schedule with the Veteran and Military-Affiliated Student Center every term in which they want to have their classes certified to the Department of Veterans Affairs for disbursement of VA Education Benefits. Please do not submit certification forms until you have your final schedule and all classes have been registered for in UAConnect. If you are on a waitlist, please wait to submit the class certification until after you have been approved for entry into the course.
Dropping a class(es) or withdrawing from the University of Arkansas:
Students who wish to drop a course or withdraw from the University of Arkansas will need to submit a Drop/Withdrawal Request Form. Please note, the Drop/Withdrawal form is currently being updated. Please e-mail the School Certifying Officials at VA Certifications to notify the VMSC and have your change reported to the VA. Overpayments may result in a debt letter being sent directly to the student.
Using Your Benefits at Another School:
If you would like to take courses at another college to meet requirements for your degree at the University of Arkansas, you may do so by having an approved Parent Letter sent from the University of Arkansas to the school at which you wish to take classes. Students may also combine their credit hours, if they wish to increase their benefits, if they are taking courses at more than one school at the same time. In order to take courses at another school, you will need to meet with a VA Certifying Official at the Veteran and Military-Affiliated Student Center.
Verify Attendance (Monthly Requirement):
- All students using Chapter 1606, 1607 and 30 benefits must verify attendance with the VA monthly in order to receive your benefit. Usually no earlier than the last calendar day of each month, but sometimes sooner.
- Verify attendance online at VA.Gov or call (877) 823-2378.
University of Arkansas 25% Tuition Waiver
Undergraduate students in either the Arkansas National Guard or Air National Guard are eligible for a 25% tuition waiver provided they submit a letter of good standing from their unit of assignment (dated no earlier than the month before term start) and have a 2.0 grade point average. These requirements must be met every semester the waiver is desired.